Water Resources

Water is the most critical resource on the planet. Becher Hoppe has assisted clients in all facets of water management. We provide a host of water related services, including the control of surface water through storm water management and dam services; locating ground water supplies; designing water treatment (photo below) and wastewater treatment systems. Our firm has designed thousands of miles of water distribution main and sanitary sewers, and documented construction work.

Becher Hoppe's water solutions include master planning, computer modeling, water supply wells, water quality studies, water treatment, pump and booster stations, storage reservoirs, sanitary lift stations, treatment plants, dam safety inspection, dam rehabilitation, storm water management, and gravity and pressure pipelines. Our staff also specializes in permitting, regulatory compliance, financing assistance, and grant application preparation for water resource projects. Energy conservation is important to us all. Becher Hoppe has assisted in reducing power needs and recovered renewable energy.

System Reports

System reports determine the most cost-effective and environmentally sound alternatives for improvements. In many cases, the reports are required to meet permit review agencies and grant-funding requirements. Becher Hoppe's water resources experts provide completion of system reports, ensuring accurate and timely submission.


Becher Hoppe specializes in the evaluation of storm water drainage, preparation of storm water master plans and management plans, design of storm sewers, under drains and retention basins to collect and manage storm water.

Water Supply

Water supply services begin with hydro-geologic source investigation, and proceed through test well evaluation, production well design, water piping network layout, water reservoirs or elevated tanks, and water booster stations. Becher Hoppe's numerous water reservoirs and elevated tanks dot the landscape in our region and beyond.

Water Treatment

Water treatment systems are necessary to protect human health and provide a high quality product suitable for all water needs. Becher Hoppe remains in step with the latest methods to determine the impacts of the water supply quality, along with advances in water diagnostic treatment technology. We offer our clients leading-edge, as well as tried and proven solutions, to solve water treatment challenges.

Wastewater Collection

Wastewater collection systems, dictated by the development density and terrain, are yet another specialty for Becher Hoppe. Our staff includes experts in gravity sewers, pressure sewers, and holding tank/truck transport, along with the associated construction techniques, including open trench excavation and directional boring.

Sewer Rehabilitation

Sewer rehabilitation is necessary for many systems 50 years or older. As pipelines age, materials and installation techniques used in the past do not prevent leakage. As treatment facilities become more sophisticated and costly to operate, it is necessary to rehabilitate excessively leaky sanitary sewers and Becher Hoppe can help. Our staff can provide the services needed to efficiently and effectively plan and manage sewer rehabilitation projects.

Wastewater Treatment

To protect our environment, technology continues to improve in determining the impacts of wastes, and to treat wastewaters. At Becher Hoppe, we know it is important to evaluate and utilize tried and proven technologies, along with the latest cutting-edge processes.